#del amitri Del AmitriSome other suckers parade My first impression of England, through the train window, was that it’s flat. It’s really, really flat. music Read more... Del AmitriDel Amitri The day I discovered the Del’s debut album feels like another life now. These days, when the lines on my face say more about me than the lines in my songs, it’s hard to remember being that kid who was confused by his find. music Read more... Del AmitriTwisted Music. Songs. These are not simply sound. They represent, illustrate and then, ultimately, hold keys to entire slices of our lives. They are the forward, the soundtrack, and the epilogue to our journeys. music Read more... Del AmitriChange (mostly) everything I should have actually listened more carefully. The facts were already there, right in front of me. Finding love was always going to be like trying to tell the clouds not to pour. Like trying to drain a swimming pool with a spoon. music Read more... Del AmitriWaking Hours They are the only band who have been a tangible part of my conscience for my entire adult life. music Read more...